Introducing the FREE Wednesday Workshop Series "Adirondack Spirits - Living and Working in the Adirondacks"
Every Wednesday starting September 6, 2006 from 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm.
You are invited to a
FREE presentation that will guide you through the details of building a
business or moving your family to the Adirondack region. Enjoy a fine glass
of wine or one of our many old world biers by the fireside of our 1886
Rathskeller as proprietor Ernest Hohmeyer explains how to navigate through
the various resources and regulations surrounding the sustainable future of
living and working in the Adirondacks.
Workshops are conducted by Proprietor Ernest Hohmeyer, who for 22 years
served as the founding director of the Adirondack Economic Development
Corporation and the Center for Sustainable Tourism.
Ernest has recently formed his own consulting organization, Sustainable
Visions and was recognized by President Clinton in 1994 as the US Small
Business Administration Financial Services Advocate of the Year. In 1998 New
York State Governor Pataki recognized the AEDC as the not-for-profit of the
year and numerous other community, economic, and environmental organizations
has recognized his work in community planning, business growth and
sustainable development.
Each Wednesday Workshop will include an overview of the following areas plus
an in-depth presentation about one of the topics below:
- September 6: Focus on Demographics and Statistics: The Adirondack Park is a quilt of private and public lands that spans over 12 counties and 105
towns and villages. Get an understanding of the A demographics and
statistics of the 6 million acres that make up the Park. Demographic
information includes population, income levels, tax income structures,
school systems, general economic and social characteristics.
- September 13: Focus on Regulations and Incentives: The Adirondack Park is
governed by a state regulatory agency the Adirondack Park Agency as well as
various county and local land use agencies. How they may affect your home or
business location will be explored.
- September 20: Location, location, location: Helpful aids to help you
determine your location requirements will be presented including local
resource information through chambers of commerce and global development.
- September 27: Focus on Relocation Financing: Federal, state, and local
programs that may be available for your relocation.
- October 4: Sustainable Planning: Unique features of locating to the
Adirondack Park will be examined including sustainable development options,
lifestyle features, and financial planning.
- October 11: Resource Planning: Who is out there and how do you find
resources to such as real estate guides, construction assistance and
financing will be presented.
- October 18: Adirondack Rustic Design: What is it, where you can find
architectural examples, and how to find the various resources for materials
and workmanship.
A Resource Guide and Seminar Packet will be provided during the session.
Follow up one-on-one assistance is available with Ernest's Sustainable
Visions Consulting company as you develop your plans follow up assistance
will be available including access to Ernest's network of federal state and
Adirondack resources for the past 22 years.