353 Keese Mill Road, Paul Smiths, New York 12970
P.O. Box 201, Saranac Lake, New York 12983, (518) 327-5273, design@rainbow-graphics.com
Linking to Search Engines & Getting on TOP!
First thing is to be sure you have a mobile friendly site. Not having one means you will not do well in the Search Engines.
Sites we have designed or converted over to be a Responsive Website Design have seen a major increase in usage. We have worked hard learning the ways of the search engines so that our clients see their pages on top, instead of many pages behind, where they cannot be found. Being a google representative, we also know how to set up Google Business maps, Google Plus, Set up Adwords, ads that produces! A pay per click ad. We know how to make the web pages work for you! 98% of our clients are on top in search engines! If you like, please email us for references.
We also do extensive advertising for our clients as well as linking pages to search engines in order to bring pages to the top of searches. What we do is create webpages that emphasize the keywords relating to your business. There are many ways to do this so search engines place you on their top pages. Now each search engine works differently and takes web pages a certain way. What works for these search engines would NOT work for the others. We do not just link a website, anyone can do that, what we do is link you to get the best exposure you could possible get - on top!!! A website is not worth anything if it can not be found.